Fancy joining us? Get in touch
If you are interested in leasing a unit in Gosforth Shopping Centre, please contact Monument Real Estate.
- Monument Real Estate Tel: 0191 691 3219
- Tom Wooldridge E: tom@monumentrem.com
- Richard Wright E: richard@monumentrem.com

Pop Up Kiosks
If you have an independent small business and would like to test the market of opening your own shop, then this is for you. We have spaces available for small businesses at very reasonable costs to help get you started.
For further details please contact our commercialisation partners, Forum Retail Commercialisation Partners.
- Forum Newcastle Tel: 0191 226 8844
- Kate Sheridon E: Kate@forumrcp.com
- Caroline Al-Jumaili E: Caroline@forumrcp.com

Promotion & Mall Space
Whether you are looking to launch a new product, promote your services, reinforce your market position, or identify new customers, the mall space at Gosforth Shopping Centre presents an excellent opportunity.
For further details please contact our commercialisation partners, Forum Retail Commercialisation Partners.
- Forum Newcastle Tel: 0191 226 8844
- Kate Sheridon E: Kate@forumrcp.com
- Caroline Al-Jumaili E: Caroline@forumrcp.com

Stalls at Our Events
From time to time we hold events at the Centre at Gosforth Central Park in partnership with Urban Green. If you would be interested in taking a stall at an event, please contact Georgie and Kate.
- Georgie E: Georgie.gosforthshoppingcentre@outlook.com
- Kate E: Kate@forumrcp.com